My friend LaDonna LOVES going to yard sales! She refers to yard sale shopping as Treasure Hunting, and every time she has asked me to go, I have politely declined. Not because I don't enjoy yard sales - oh I do! I just think they should begin at noon or so.
I'm not a lazy person - except on Saturday mornings. Saturday morning is MY time - to be quiet and sit on the porch and have coffee and do nothing...but be quiet and sit on the porch and have coffee. Getting up at the first crack of daylight - without coffee - to go dig through someone else's 'stuff' does not fit well with my Saturday morning routine.
At some point early last week I decided to go Treasure Hunting with LaDonna and that this was the weekend to do so. I got together with my friend and we formulated a fool-proof plan for success. I won't go into detail except to say that this plan included pizza and ice cream and falling asleep watching TV Friday night and some fast food joint liquid that barely passed for coffee in the wee early hours of Saturday morning.
I have no idea how many miles we traveled, how many neighborhoods we visited, or how many yards we raided. For about ten bucks a piece we ended up with a pretty decent haul. We each caught some good deals on some pre-loved stuff for our own collections at a fraction of Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price and at the end of our trip I felt ever so rich! Not because I got that little red-yellow-blue & green tool box that reminds me of my Mom (for practically nothing!) or because the set of still-new-with-tags-on-them kitchen towels were only a quarter...those were great bargains but I found something more!
I found that while really good pizza might taste better paired with a really good cabernet, it tastes better yet when shared with a really good friend and really good conversation. I found that shivering while eating ice cream, and laughing about it on the way home, probably burns all the calories right out of the ice cream - and if it doesn't,
it's ok: the sun will still come up. I found that I can actually survive a day on one cup of lousy coffee.
And I found that some things work better when they're broken - like the quiet of a Saturday morning broken by the sounds of friendship.
And that is a treasure worth hunting.
Ginger B. Schneider
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